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Marcel Jurca passed away October 19, 2001. In order to perpetuate his work,
the association has been organized as described below.


Extract of the Jurca Air Force's statutes

ARTICLE 19 Committee Marcel Jurca

Within Jurca Air Force is created a special subcommittee called " Committee Marcel Jurca"
(CMJ) whose goal is to ensure the perenniality of the aeronautical work of Marcel Jurca.
The legal base of this committee rests on the testamentary delegation carried out by Marcel
Jurca near a named member of Jurca Air Force concerning the continuation of its work of
aeronautical diffusion. The testamentary document of Marcel Jurca is annexed to the statutes of the JAF.


Genesis of the Committee Marcel Jurca.

October 19 2001, the disappearance of Marcel Jurca surprise everyone.
He which was so solid, so alive.

The shock passed, it is necessary to think of the continuation of the work. Fortunately, Marcel
Jurca has made his provisions for a few years to find people having the possibility and
the will to continue what it undertook. The last will goes back to 2001, before its departure
for a voyage to the sources, in Romania.

The committee Marcel Jurca is thus created on November 24 2001 in extraordinary general
meeting of Jurca Air Force held on the Nangis airfield.

The legitimacy and the legality of this device thus rest on the testamentary provisions taken
by Marcel Jurca in May 2001, provisions in addition confirmed by his entitled beneficiary.

The CMJ works in an open way with those and those wanting to take part in the continuation
of the work, under the control of the Chairman of the CMJ and the Chairman of honor.

An archive and consultation room has been put in place end of October 2019 near
Fontainebleau (60 km south-east Paris). The builders, motivated future builders as well
as Jurca aircraft owners can come by appointment via the contact form. 

The main open projects are:

The constitution, by type of plane, of a networks of "Knowing" homebuilders.
The constitution of the Jurca planes database for this web site and the network.
The digitalization of the plans and Jurca files.
The follow-up of the Jurca's planes navigability.
The diffusion of the Jurca planes drawings.
The web site and all communication tools to help the builders.

How to contact the CMJ: best is the "Contact" page of this site!

Comité Marcel Jurca
Aérodrome de Nangis-les-Loges
77720 Clos Fontaine